"To my Dear and Loving Husband"
"In Reference to Her Children"
"Upon the Burning of Our House"
Thesis Statements:
In "To My Dear and Loving Husband" it is through the use of paradox, hyperbolic metaphor, and diction that the author, Anne Bradstreet, is able to convey a genuine emotion as she struggles with the security of Puritan doctrine alongside the insecurity of human need for reassurance of love.
In "In Reference of Her Children" Anne Bradstreet uses imagery and figurative language to convey a message that it is hard to watch your child grow up and not depend on you as much as they used to.
In Anne Bradstreet's poem "Upon the Burning of Our House," it is through the vivid images, reterical question, and rhyme that the author is able to convey an emotion of powerlessness as she looks to god for grace to help her get through the situation of her house burning down.
Favorite: Out of these poems, the one that impressed me the most was "To my Dear and Loving Husband" due to the conflicts that she faces. I like to read about conflicts cause it makes me realize that everyone gets stuck in situations where they have to decide how to handle things. In this poem Anne Bradstreet compares herself to other women to show that she is better than any other women for her husband. This poem was really interesting and really made you think about what she was facing.

Woman's intent of being a Mother while their husband is at work, has made woman more practical to woman voting because they stand up for their own rights. This political cartoon shows a man holding two crying babies while looking up towards the women. This shows that the man is taking on whats known to be the womens responsibility; a change in roles has occured. Comparing to Anne Bradstreet, this political cartoon shows the opposite of what happens in Anne Bradstreets life. Anne Bradstreet is always known to be the caretaker of the family while the husband is always going somewhere. This political cartoon also shows a sign that says "votes for women" and a banner that saying "Voting day". This shows how the women is off to vote now that women are allowed to and shes taking control in it because she feels that she has more to say that a typical everyday man. In Anne Bradstreets poems she very much has her opinion, so I am sure that Anne Bradstreet would vote if she was given the right to do so. Women have the right now to voice their opinion by voting, so now maybe their roles in home will change as well.
I think you need a better topic sentence in your political cartoon, but otherwise this is great!